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                    23 stycznia, 2008        Archiwa Home Kontakt


Bogdan Fiedur
Bogdan Fiedur


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Polonijny Biuletyn Informacyjny w Winnipegu






The European Master of Diagnosis and Repair of Buildings (EMDiReB) is a postgraduate university programme, supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Programme. It is a one-year-and-a-half masters course (90 ECTS in three semesters of 30 ECTS each), focused on diagnosis, repair, rehabilitation and improvement of buildings and urban spaces.

The partner institutions of the Masters consortium are:
Universidad de Sevilla (US). Spain
Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (UNIRC). Italy
Politechnika Lubelska (PL). Poland



The programme is divided into three main parts:

The Core section (60 ECTS) contains the basic input of theory and practical knowledge: building damage analysis, diagnosis and repair within the framework of the architectural solutions most widely accepted in recent decades. It comprises two Modules: Building and Urbanization Damage Assessment and Building and Urbanization Repair Systems and Procedures.

Specialization (20 ECTS), in order to acquire more advanced training, to be chosen between:
Spain: Conservation and Optimization of Energy Performance in Buildings.
Italy: Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.
Poland: Urban Preservation and Renewal.

The student will finish the programme with and End-Of-Course Project (10 ECTS), designing a complete Repair Project, that will also reflect the specialization studied by the student.

The languages to be used in teaching and examination activities are local languages for Core Section (Spanish, Italian and Poland), and English for Specialization and End-Of-Course Project.

All successful students will receive a double or multiple degree, depending on the number of universities they study at: two different universities (double) or the three universities of the consortium (multiple). The degree “European Master in Diagnosis and Repair of Buildings” has been officially recognised by US (as Título Oficial de Máster), UNIRC (as Master Universitario di Primo Livello) and PL (as Master of Science).

The periods of mobility will therefore be of 1 semester, and the student may study abroad for one semester, earning 30 ECTS, or for two semesters, earning 60 ECTS. The student will indicate on the Application Form three possible mobility itineraries for the Masters Course, clearly stating in which university he/she wishes to study in each semester (at least one semester in a university other than the Home University) and the Academic Commission will assign itineraries.


Application deadline and addresses:


For Third-country students and scholars requesting EM scholarship: 31 January 2008
For European Students and other third-country students: 30 April 2008


Third Country Students

Erasmus Mundus scholarships are for third-country graduate students coming to Europe. A limited number of scholarships are available for third-country nationals with excellent academic records whose enrolment in an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course has been accepted by the consortium offering the Course. Students and scholars have to apply for these scholarships directly to EMDIREB. Students have to be graduate students. Erasmus Mundus scholarships allow third-country students to follow the whole Course, i.e. they will receive a scholarship for the whole duration of the Course. The consortium decides who receives an Erasmus Mundus scholarship on the basis of CVs, study and academic merits, motivation, recommendations, language skills, etc. The Commission confirms this selection and assigns the grants.

For each student the scholarship amounts to 21.000 Euro per student and academic year to assume her personal expenses and Master fees.


Third Country Scholars

Erasmus Mundus scholarships are for third-country graduate scholars coming to Europe. Scholars have to apply for these scholarships directly to EMDIREB. Erasmus Mundus scholarships allow third-country scholars to perform a teaching or research assignment or other scholarly work of three months at the Masters consortium. The consortium decides who receives an Erasmus Mundus scholarship on the basis of CVs, study and academic merits, motivation, recommendations, language skills, etc. The Commission confirms this selection and assigns the grants.

The scholarship covers travel and living expenses for a three-month working assignment with 13000 euros. This amount comprises a monthly grant of 4,000 Euro and a fixed amount of 1,000 Euro for travel expenses. The amount of the grant awarded may vary according to the actual duration of the stay at the host institution.


European students

The tuition fee is 7,000 €. European students can apply for Socrates/Erasmus scholarships, taking advantage of the existing exchange agreements between members of the consortia and a great number of European higher education centres.

Once the candidate has been notified of his/her admission to the EMDiReB programme and the mobility scheme assigned, he/she will pay the tuition fee as follows:

  • 2/3 of the total amount (4,665 €) to be paid as a lump sum at the Home University within a period of 20 days following receipt of the official letter notifying the student of his/her admission to the EMDIReB
  • The outstanding 1/3 of the total amount (2,335 €) to be paid as a lump sum at the Specialization University, within a period of 20 days following the beginning of the second year of the EMDiReB


Third-country students

The tuition fee is also 7,000 €. The partner universities will not establish their own grant systems for them, since Action 2 Scholarships will cover this with the European Commission grants. Once the candidate has been notified of his/her admission to the EMDiReB programme and of the universities in which he/she will study the core modules and the specialization, he/she must register at the Home University where he/she is to begin studying, and pay the entire tuition fee at the University of Seville.


If you want to participate in the EMDiReB programme please fill the aplication form and send it to us on the adress: e.przesmycka@pollub.pl

Applications available at the url below. 

More informations: www.emdireb.eu





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